Hanoï - Vietnam

Food distribution in Hanoi

21.027229581286, 105.84468727006


Le nombre de personnes sans emploi et sans logement a considérablement augmenté durant la crise sanitaire de la COVID-19. En conséquence, Blue Dragon Foundation s'est engagée à fournir des denrées alimentaires et un soutien social aux enfants et aux familles en situation de précarité. La participation de la Fondation Artelia a permis de nourrir et loger près de 50 familles durant un mois.

Hanoï - Vietnam
Between April and June 2020

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Food distribution in Hanoi
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Blue Dragon Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Hanoi and founded in 2003. Its goal is to support families in extremely impoverished conditions in Vietnam. Children are at the heart of Blue Dragon Foundation's mission, as the organization helps them rebound from crises related to poverty, health, slavery, education and employment. The organization's activities include social relief, legal counseling, educational support and vocational training.