A common thread: developing a collective commitment
Our work is based on sharing and learning, so that the solutions we provide best meet the needs of our partner organisations’ needs and strengthen their capacity for action. Artelia’s volunteers and our partner organisations share the same determination to provide beneficiaries with concrete answers and solutions.
Through its two volunteering schemes – solidarity leave and skills-based philanthropy – the Artelia Foundation offers to make the skills and expertise of Artelia volunteers available to organisations for projects they are implementing around the world.
Solidarity leave
Volunteers spend their holiday time on an international volunteer assignment, making their skills and expertise available to projects in the field. The costs associated with carrying out the assignment are covered by the Foundation.
Skills-based philanthropy
Volunteers spend their holiday time on an international volunteer assignment, making their skills and expertise available to projects in the field. The costs associated with carrying out the assignment are covered by the Foundation.
Social and environmental issues are closely linked. The Artelia Foundation participates in the financing of non-profit projects in its three areas of focus: development aid, environmental protection, social and professional integration. This funding primarily concerns projects supported by Artelia employees.
Through its emergency fund, the Artelia Foundation also provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people and meets the basic needs of populations affected by natural disasters or conflict (access to water and sanitation, food, shelter and medical care).
Raising awareness
Special events are organised internally by the Artelia Foundation to mobilise Artelia Group employees around its values and commitments. The aim is to make as many people as possible aware of the various social and environmental causes supported by the Foundation and to encourage them to take action. Our ambition is to contribute to the Artelia Group's response to social, economic and environmental issues. By informing and raising awareness among the employees involved, we hope to encourage and support changes in behaviour.