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A practical opportunity to make sport meaningful


We invite you to convert the kilometres covered during your official races (running, cycling, swimming) into donations to one of the three charities supported each year by the Artelia Foundation. For every kilometre run, two euros will be donated to the non-profit organisation of your choice. Every year, no fewer than 10,000 km are covered!


To receive a race t-shirt from the Artelia Foundation, send an email to

This year, we invite you to support:

557 km
39 races
20 participants

Culture Prioritaire

Visit their website
575 km
18 races
15 participants

Cœur de Forêt

Visit their website
1037 km
53 races
34 participants
bike_er_ run_er_ swim_er_ bike_ers_ run_ers_ swim_ers_ races race participant participants participante_ participantes_ No race has yet been submitted for this challenge.

How do you record and convert your solidarity kilometres?


To enter a race, please authenticate!

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