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Friday 24 June 2022

Over 1,000 people took part in the 2nd Artelia TrashTag Challenge!

To mark World Environment Day, the Artelia Foundation and the Artelia Group's Mobility - Environment - Sustainable Development Commission organised the second edition of the TrashTag Challenge, an environmental awareness event involving the collection of litter. 

We would like to thank the 1,000 employees involved around the world (France, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, Philippines, Oman) who actively contributed to cleaning up the areas around our sites. At the end of the event, which took place on 9 June 2022, our teams enjoyed a friendly vegetarian meal.

This year, the theme of World Environment Day "One Earth" - an echo of the motto of the 1972 Stockholm Conference - calls on humanity to preserve our planet's limited resources. It is with this in mind that the Artelia Foundation is supporting SEA Plastics, a non-profit organisation  of engineering students involved in the subject of marine pollution. 


Their observation 

  • 9 million tonnes of rubbish are dumped in the oceans every year.
    Marine rubbish fragments and disperses on the surface of the oceans (around 5,000 billion plastic particles are now floating on the surface of the seas and oceans), having a major impact on marine biodiversity. 
  • By 2050, there will be more plastic (by weight) than fish in the Mediterranean.

Their solution

  • Annual expedition, under sail, to carry out scientific research (sampling microplastics on the surface and in the water column, analysis in collaboration with research institutes).
  • Awareness-raising among the general public (speaking at schools and taking part in international and local events, creating appropriate teaching materials).

The next SEA Plastics crew will cast off in spring 2023 and from then on will begin to fulfil their expedition objectives. We invite you to follow the 2022 expedition of these committed students now: