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Calls for projects
Monday 02 September 2024

The Artelia Foundation unveils the 6 Winners of its Call for Projects "Acting for the Preservation of Biodiversity and Climate"

This year, the Artelia Foundation is committed to supporting six organizations that work towards the preservation of biodiversity and climate. The selection committee, made up of group employees and external experts, chose six winners from over 100 submitted projects. 

These projects address themes such as forest resource management, reforestation, agroforestry, and coral protection. In addition to environmental impact, the selection committee paid special attention to the social dimensions of the projects.

The winners will receive a total financial support of €80,000 from the Foundation, along with technical assistance provided by volunteers from the Artelia Group in the form of skills-based philanthropy and solidarity leave.


Congratulations to the winners!

Discover in detail the projects of our 6 winners:

@Robin du bois - "Save the Forests and Biodiversity of Pilat" (France)
The "Save the Forests and Biodiversity of Pilat" project aims to acquire about a hundred hectares of wooded plots under Environmental Real Obligation (ERO) contracts with the Pilat Regional Nature Park. The goal is to create bright, diverse, layered forests that promote the development of varied vegetation, providing habitats for animals. Additionally, the project seeks to raise awareness among forest owners, families, and the general public about forest conservation and biodiversity preservation in the Pilat massif in Rhône-Alpes.


@Coopération Atlantique Guinée 44 – "SONEYA 2 – Kindia, Territory of Ecological and Climate Responsibility" (Guinea, Africa)
The "SONEYA 2 – Kindia, Territory of Ecological and Climate Responsibility" project is part of a long-term approach in close collaboration with local communities. Its objective? To sustainably strengthen the ecological management capacities of the territory through reforestation and the restoration of vegetation cover along the banks of watercourses and the most degraded headwaters. The project also focuses on supporting environmentally friendly energy practices and establishing local ecological governance that enhances the resilience of ecosystems.


@Experts solidaires – "Integrated Forest Resource Management and Promotion of Sustainable Income-Generating Activities" (Benin, Africa)
The "Integrated Forest Resource Management and Promotion of Sustainable Income-Generating Activities" project aims to restore and sustainably protect the forest cover in Zaffé, Benin. Tree planting, the promotion of more sustainable agricultural systems, and the development of economic activities are at the heart of the project, with the aim of encouraging the emergence of stable income-generating activities


@Fermes d'avenir - "Agroforestry to Restore Local Biodiversity and Ecosystems on Farms" (France)
The "Agroforestry to Restore Local Biodiversity and Ecosystems on Farms" project involves planting trees in five agricultural systems to recreate habitats for wildlife and, more broadly, protect biodiversity. To achieve this, the Fermes d'avenir association supports and trains farmers in designing, financing, and implementing their agroforestry projects.


@Moulin de Pont Rû - "The Educational Garden of Moulin de Pont Rû" (France)
"The Educational Garden of Moulin de Pont Rû" is a place of connection and education about nature. The project aims to provide a space for raising awareness and introducing agroecology and permaculture to all audiences. Through a series of workshops with varied themes, evolving according to the seasons and adapted to different age groups and target audiences, Moulin de Pont Rû aims to actively contribute to environmental education.


@Fondation de la Mer - "Protection and Restoration of 5 ha of Coral Reefs" (Indonesia, Asia)
With more than 550 species of corals recorded, the "Protection and Restoration of 5 ha of Coral Reefs" project is developing in the heart of the world's most diverse area in the Indonesian province of Raja Ampat. It aims to protect and restore degraded coral reefs while creating jobs for local villagers who are trained in diving and reef restoration operations.


We warmly thank Jérémy JUDIC, Christophe DERRIEN, Marion PONCET, and Pierre DARMET for their expert insights and their involvement throughout this call for projects!