The Artelia Foundation unveils the 5 winners of its call for projects "Acting for an inclusive energy transition"

The Artelia Foundation is announcing its support for five actors committed to an inclusive energy transition. Our ambition is to support projects that contribute to the fight against energy poverty and promote access to renewable and sustainable energy for vulnerable populations.
The selection committee, made up of an external expert from the Schneider Group and Artelia employees, met in June to select 5 winners from over 40 projects received. In addition to the environmental impact, the jury paid particular attention to the social benefits of the projects. The winners will receive financial support from the Foundation totalling €80,000, as well as technical assistance from Artelia Group volunteers in the form of skills based philanthropy or solidarity leave.
Congratulations to the winners!
👉 Support for twenty companies creating local jobs in a sustainable energy transition
📍 Benin, Africa
The project deployed in Benin for a period of three years consists in providing businesses in rural areas with suitable low-carbon technical solutions aimed at energy efficiency. These solutions should make it possible to maximize the economic and social impact of the supported entrepreneurs.
👉 Construction of an “energy house” dedicated to the supply of renewable energy
📍 Madagascar, Africa
The project aims to supply electricity, from a solar facility, to public structures (school and health centre) and residents of the village of Sahanimira in Madagascar.
👉Improving conditions of access to healthcare through the electrification of healthcare buildings
📍 Burkina Faso, Africa
The project aims to improve the conditions of access to healthcare for the inhabitants of Sangoulema through the electrification of health buildings by installing solar panels.
👉 Creation of a solar school
📍 Burkina Faso, Africa
The project consists in developing access to renewable energies through the creation of a reference solar school in partnership with the University of Koudougou in Burkina Faso. Teachers and students will be trained in this school in the deployment of photovoltaic systems and community residents will be made aware of the issues related to energy consumption.
Eco Habitat Network
👉 Deployment of online training dedicated to energy efficiency for home renovation
📍 France
The project ensures the deployment of online training to enable players with various profiles (project leaders, field volunteers, social action professionals, technicians) to improve their skills in promoting the development of overall renovation work programs. These efficient renovations will be carried out for the benefit of people in situations of great energy poverty.
We warmly thank Fabio Lunazzi, Antoine Clay and Marie Castella for their participation in the selection committee.