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Emergency Fund
Wednesday 21 September 2022

Ukraine: the Artelia foundation takes action

In March 2022, the Board of Directors of the Artelia Foundation committed to deploying an emergency fund of €50,000 to help the victims of the conflict in Ukraine. An initial financial donation of €20,000 was made to the French Banques Alimentaires for the purchase and delivery of foodstuffs and basic necessities for civilians in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, as well as for refugees arriving in France. In July 2022, two other organisations working in emergency situations close to the victims of the conflict received financial aid from the Foundation.


The Aide Médicale et Caritative France-Ukraine (AMCFU) non-profit organisation received a donation to purchase and transport an ambulance to Kharkiv, a city badly hit by the bombardments.

In addition, a donation of €1,000 was made to the NGO Solidarités International to support assistance in the field of water, hygiene and sanitation. This will help finance the distribution of hygiene kits, bottled water and water filters. It will also help to rehabilitate infrastructure in areas receiving displaced persons and in transit zones, particularly in the Lviv, Uman and Dnipro Oblasts.



Testimony of Dmytro Atamanyuk, President of AMCFU:

"Kharkiv, Ukraine's 2nd largest city (North-East)
Bombed almost every day since 24 February, its education system is paying the heaviest price, with 117 schools damaged or completely destroyed. 18 hospitals, including a perinatal centre and a children's polyclinic, have been damaged. The ambulance fleet has suffered losses. At the request of Kharkiv city council, we decided to provide an ambulance equipped to meet their needs. On 7 July, the mayor of Kharkiv received this ambulance, the purchase of which was made possible by a financial donation from our partner, the Artelia Foundation. The Solidarité Ambulancière France-Ukraine (SAFU) collective provided logistical management support. On the ground at present, we are assessing the most urgent needs; Kharkiv is one of the priority cities to be visited. WIt's been very emotionnal, we've met a lot of people, and we have a lot of projects for which we hope to mobilise many more donors!
We would like to extend our warmest thanks to the Artelia Foundation and the SAFU collective for their commitment to helping the people of Kharkiv.


To discover, follow and support the actions of these organisations:
-    Consult the website of the Banques Alimentaires
-    Consult the website of AMCFU
-    Consult the website of Solidarités International