Covid-19 Action

Visit to “Maison Chance”

Within the Foundation’s Covid-19 emergency fund, Artelia Vietnam collaborators meet and spend time with Maison Chance residents and employees, and collected food, schools supplies and toys to donate to the children at Village Chance.


A small action for man, one giant action for the planet!

Artelia Foundation and the Mobility-Sustainable Development Commission of the Artelia Group organized the last 3rd June, the TrashTag Challenge, an ecological awareness event to collect litter around our sites. 


Christmas donations by Artelia Philippines

In 2021, Artelia’s Filipino branch voted to donate the 2020 Christmas party funds in order to help vulnerable communities who have been especially hard-hit by the COVID-19 crisis. 


First non-technical soft skills missions!

Artelia Foundation carried out its first non-technical soft skills mission by teaching communication, accounting and the use of Excel to the non-profit organisation's beneficiaries.